Case Studies

Station enhancement programme for a South East commuter railway

The client was awarded the franchise to manage a large franchise area which included over 150 stations. A number of station enhancements were required during the early part of the franchise, including a major listed station.

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Early Certificate of Commencement for a London commuter train company

The client had not managed a mobilisation for a number of years.

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Successful concession demobilisation

The client had to hand the concession back to the client in three months.

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Three-month mobilisation of a large Train Operating Company

The client was the successful bidder for a large UK rail franchise.

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Winning a major UK rail franchise

The client runs a number of rail franchises and contracts which together represent 22 per cent of the UK’s entire rail network.

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Managing a long-term mobilisation for a rail concession

The client was awarded the concession to manage the concession covering over 110 stations.

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